Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Travel/Brewery/Fitness: Smuttynose Rockfest Half-Marathon

After training all year I FINALLY travled an hour from Boston to Hampton Beach, New Hampshire this past weekend to participate in my first half-marathon!!

It was an amazing, exhausting experience, that I will definitely like to take part in again. Saturday was pick up day. We drove to the Smuttynose Brewery picked up bibs, a glass and t-shirts. We also were able to have a beer tasting. 

Here is the brewery address if you would like to visit:
105 Towle Farm Rd
Hampton, NH

The race started Sunday morning at 8AM, we arrived bright and early. There is a ton of parking for the beach during the summer so it wasn't hard to find a spot for the car. 

When lining up for the race there were five different waves and you line up depending on the pace you think you will be running per mile:
Wave 1: 8:19 minutes or faster
Wave 2: 8:20 minutes-8:59 minutes
Wave 3: 9:00 minutes-9:59 minutes
Wave 4: 10:00 minutes-10:59 minutes
Wave 5: 11:00 minutes and up

This is great because the people aren't running over each other. 

The course was so flat which made if much easier to run 13.1 miles. The first 4 miles were two loops around the Hampton Beach shops an restaurants, that are packed during beach season. After the two loops we ran north along Ocean Blvd where the waves were crashing against the cement walls and you were able to see surfers riding waves. It took my mind off the run! At mile 6 you turn off Ocean Blvd and run through a neighborhood with tree lined shady roads and families cheering you on. For the last 3 miles you are back on Ocean Blvd heading toward the food, music and finish line at the Sea Shell Pavilion.

At the end the runners celebrated their fabulous effort with some free clam chowder and a lobster roll. There was a band playing at the Sea Shell Pavillon and you could grab a Smuttynose beer and relax on the beach. 

I can't wait to run again next year! If you would like to look at the past years Hampton Beach Rockfest Half-Marathon or Marathon go to:

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