Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Around Boston: Harvard Square Oktoberfest

Last week I was searching online for something new to do on the long Columbus Day weekend. I came across Harvard Squares 36th Annual Oktoberfest! I have gone to school and lived in Boston for ten years and had never heard of this event. 

It takes place every Sunday on Columbus Day weekend in Harvard Square from 12-6PM. When I got onto the T at Park Street, I was so surprised how empty the T was. I thought that it would be packed, unable to move or breath. So in my head I was thinking "is this going to be lame?" But it was sooo much fun.

Once off the T at Harvard there were booths with different small companies selling food from all over the world, as well as gifts, crafts, and sidewalk sales from local businesses. While looking a large parade was going on with people in costumes, dancers and bands walking by. All of the vendors were spread all throughout the square, so it was everyone was able to move around comfortably. There were also five beer gardens. You showed your ID, walked in a gated area which was located on the street, paid $5 for a cup and were able to enjoy a brew outside! 

There was also an awesome Beer Hall at the Beat Hotel, located in Harvard Square. There wasn't a cover charge and included community tables, a German band playing old music and German beer. I had a great Oktoberfest celebration and can't wait to do it next year!

I was busy having fun so didn't take a lot of pictures. If you would like to see more information and mark the event on your 2015 calendar check out this website.

This event came to me as a surprise. If you know any events around the area that you know of throughout the year let me know!

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